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Introducing Pocket Alert

Hey and welcome to the Pocket Alert blog!

First, I'll answer the most popular questions and tell you what Pocket Alert is, who it was created for, and what problems it solves.

What is Pocket Alert?

It's a mobile and web application for receiving push notifications.

For whom it was created?

First of all for software developers and devops engineers, but actually it can be used by various small businesses to notify employees about incidents or news.

What problem does it solve?

There are many services for tracking incidents in critical infrastructure, monitoring systems, and other various services. All of them have some form of notifications, but sometimes it is difficult to gather them all in one place without too much noise.

Pocket Alert solves this problem. You can customize and categorize the services you need, and receive only those notifications that are important to you and your business.

What are the main key features?

  • Mobile app for iOS and Android
  • Web interface - to manage notifications (create, view), manage your devices and webhooks
  • Webhooks are a really cool feature, it's very easy to connect services that don't involve interacting with them via API, but they have a webhook.
  • API keys - use different keys for any services.

How much does it cost?

There is a free plan, with limits of 50 messages per day, 1 device and 1 webhook - that's enough to see if Pocket Alert is right for you.

And there are 3 plans, you can see the prices at the link: https://pocketalert.app/#pricing

Thank you for reading to the end, and I look forward to having you as a Pocket Alert user.

Best Roman Frank,

CEO of Pocket Alert.
