Your Notification Command Center

All your critical alerts and notifications in one place.

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Get Started For Free

Easy Alert Integration for Everyone

Pocket Alert allows you to customize and send push notifications to your devices with integration via API or Webhooks. You can create a single place to receive the really important notifications without extraneous information noise.

Customize notifications from monitoring systems, and your services and always stay informed.

Get Started For Free

Suite of features designed for optimal notification management

API Integration

Effortlessly connect with a variety of services and tools through our API.

Notification Segmentation

Utilize internal applications to categorize and separate alerts for better organization.

Webhook Integration

Easy integration with webhooks of services you use.

Mobile App

User-friendly mobile app for iOS and Android.


Managing notifications in the control panel.

Custom Alert Scheduling

Customizing the display of notifications.


Mobile app for iOS and Android

Introducing our mobile app that lets you stay informed with notifications from multiple sources, all in one place.

With user-friendly features and customizable settings, you can personalize your notification experience and stay on top of everything that matters to you. Download app now and never miss an important update.


Select the optimal plan


per month

  • 50 daily messages
  • 1 devices
  • 1 applications
  • 1 webhooks
  • Support up to 96 hours
Get started

per month

  • 1000 daily messages
  • 3 devices
  • 5 applications
  • 5 webhooks
  • Support up to 24 hours
Get started

per month

  • 5000 daily messages
  • 5 devices
  • 20 applications
  • 20 webhooks
  • Support up to 24 hours
Get started

per month

  • unlimited daily messages
  • unlimited devices
  • unlimited applications
  • unlimited webhooks
  • Support up to 12 hours
Get started

Follow three simple steps to get started

Sign Up and Set Up

Create an account on Pocket Alert and customize your profile.

Integrate Services

Use APIs or Webhooks to integrate the different services you want to receive notifications from.

View Notifications

Install the mobile app for iOS or Android. Start tracking notifications.

Get Started For Free

Try it

Integrate alerts into your applications with API. The following examples demonstrates how to send a notification. Simply replace the placeholders with your actual Authorization token, application_id, and device_id to get started.

Copy the code into your project, customize the message details, and you are ready to send notifications to your devices.

Get Started For Free


What is Pocket Alert?

Pocket Alert is a comprehensive notification management platform that consolidates all your alerts in one place, allowing for seamless integration with a variety of third-party services via webhooks and API.

How can I get started with Pocket Alert?

Getting started is simple: Sign up for an account, integrate your preferred services using our API or webhooks, and begin managing your notifications through our mobile app or web interface.

Is there a mobile app available?

Yes, Pocket Alert has a user-friendly mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices, which you can download from the App Store or Google Play.

Can I customize my notification experience?

Absolutely! Pocket Alert offers customizable settings to personalize your notification experience, including custom alert scheduling and notification segmentation for better organization.

Is Pocket Alert free to use?

Pocket Alert offers a robust free version with essential features, and you can start using it by signing up for free.

How does the API Integration work?

Our API integration allows you to effortlessly connect with a variety of services and tools, enabling you to receive and manage notifications from numerous sources.

What kind of services can I integrate with Pocket Alert?

Pocket Alert is designed to work with a wide range of services that support webhooks or API connectivity, from project management tools to continuous integration systems.

How can I organize my alerts in Pocket Alert?

You can utilize internal applications to categorize and separate alerts for better organization, ensuring that you stay on top of everything that matters to you.

How can I access my notifications on a desktop?

You can view and manage your notifications through our web interface, which provides the convenience of accessing your alerts on a larger screen.

What do you mean by "daily messages"?

Daily messages refer to the number of individual notifications you can receive each day through Pocket Alert, depending on the plan you choose.

Can I switch between plans if my needs change?

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time to fit your notification needs. Changes to your plan will be reflected in your billing cycle.

What if I exceed my daily message limit on the Free or Basic plan?

If you exceed your daily message limit, additional notifications for that day will not be delivered. To avoid disruption, consider upgrading to a higher plan that suits your message volume.